Bessel van der Kolk's Trauma Treatment Discovery


Trauma is a fact of life. But trauma isn't something we've always talked about. When leading trauma expert Bessel van der Kolk, M.D., entered the field, PTSD didn't exist, and trauma wasn't even whispered about in the halls.

For 40 years, as both a researcher and a clinician, Dr. van der Kolk has studied those living with trauma. Among them were soldiers, torture victims, and child abuse survivors, and many others. What has he determined after years of research?

There is not a one size fits all approach to trauma.

As clinicians, we can no longer be just a psychoanalyst, an EMDR expert, or a CBT practitioner. Instead, we must be exposed to a large number of different treatments and know when to use the tools of each method to best help our patients overcome the challenge of trauma—reestablishing ownership of their body, mind and self.

In his book, The Body Keeps the Score, Bessel van der Kolk outlines 8 paths to recovery. They include: owning your self, language,  EMDR, yoga, self-leadership, creating structures, neurofeedback, and communal rhythms and theater.

Do any of these paths to recovery surprise you? We think it's important for clinicians like yourself to understand how these paths to recovery came to be. That's why we're providing a free video from Bessel van der Kolk discussing The Body Keeps the Score.

As a bonus, we're providing a free hour of CE just for watching. Get started instantly (seriously, it's free—don't wait).

FREE CE Seminar: The Body Keeps the Score with Bessel van der Kolk

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