Julia Mitchell is a clinical physiotherapist and RockTape Instructor, with a passion for supporting women during pregnancy and postpartum. She completed her Master of Science in physiotherapy from Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, Canada, and also holds a Bachelor of Arts in human kinetics with honours from St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia, Canada. She has worked in the private practice physiotherapy industry in Nova Scotia for many years, and is proud to provide focused, movement based, one on one care to all of her clients.
Julia has completed continuing education in multiple areas, including evaluating and treating the female athlete, running injury prevention, addressing core mechanics and diastasis recti in postpartum women, acupuncture, dry needling, kinesiology taping and IASTM. Julia is the founder of Mom on the Run Club, Inc., a company focused on providing running and movement solutions for busy moms. Along with a physiotherapy colleague, she has created an education course for healthcare and fitness providers on external pelvic health care during pregnancy and postpartum. Julia is an avid runner, and Mom to two funny and busy toddlers, and loves spending time outside being active with her family. You can find more information at juliamitchellphysio.com, or on Instagram @juliamitchell.physio.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Julia Mitchell maintains a private practice and is the founder and owner of Mom on the Run Productions, Inc. She has an employment relationship with Dartmouth General Hospital. She receives a consulting fee and speaker honorarium from RockTape and Implus, LLC. Julia Mitchell is the education coordinator for RockTape Canada and is on the instructor team for RockTape California. She receives a speaking honorarium and recording royalties from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Julie Mitchell is a member of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association.