Kara Mohr, PhD FACSM, is an internationally recognized subject matter expert on mindset, mental health and behavior change. After earning her PhD in exercise physiology and working in academia and research for many years, Dr. Mohr has taken her learned expertise around these areas to apply this to the corporations and executives she works with as a content creator, subject matter expert and international presenter and keynote speaker.

Her recognition and notoriety in the areas of well-being has taken her to Thailand, London, Switzerland and many other countries and states throughout the US for clients like Deloitte, the American Heart Association and Marriott, among others. She is a sought-after expert who has been quoted in the NY Times, Wall Street Journal and featured on numerous TV and radio shows.

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Kara Mohr is the co-owner of Mohr Results and has employment relationships with EngagedIn, Signature Leaders, Johnson and Johnson Human Performance Institute, and Deloitte. She receives a speaking honorarium and recording royalties from PESI, Inc.

Non-financial: Kara Mohr has no relevant non-financial relationships.