Blogs and Free Resources

Here at PESI, our mission is to provide professionals like you with FREE practical and valuable tools, strategies, and resources to assist with the great work you do. Find expert tips, helpful worksheets, demonstration videos, CE, news, and more here. Happy learning!
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What does a raisin have to do with mindfulness?

Whether you’re a new clinician or a seasoned therapist, this simple technique in mindfulness will leave you feeling rejuvenated, refreshed, and ready to take on the rest of your day.


Video: Identifying and Guiding Change Talk

With Stephen Rollnick, Ph.D.

Change talk doesn't always happen naturally, it often happens because of the core skills being used by the practitioner. Watch this video from Stephen Rollnick, Ph.D., and see the skills of Motivational Interviewing in practice.


Mindful Breathing with Dr. Daniel J. Siegel

In this short clip, world-renowned neuropsychiatrist and bestselling author Dr. Daniel J. Siegel shares his quick breathing awareness exercise to calm the hectic, stressful and worrisome mindset and create a more pleasant, cooperative environment.


Yoga & Mindfulness for Children

Practices for Better Mind-Body Balance

Yoga and mindfulness practices can be powerful tools to help children build strength, manage their emotions, become more flexible (physically and mentally!), and gain mind-body balance. With our young clients, students and our own children headed back to school, you may be in need of some fun and simple strategies to deal with the stress and anxiety that can accompany this transition. Here are three practices you can try today!


NEW Classroom Activities

Lynne Kenney, PsyD.

Dr. Lynne Kenney recently released 2 practical programs introducing research-based activities from her most recent works Bloom Your Room and 70 Play Activities To Enhance Thinking, Self-Regulation, Learning and Behavior. Discover simple activities to enhance competence, confidence, communication and collaboration. Get ahead of misbehavior by teaching with the brain in mind!


How To: Progressive Muscle Relaxation for Self-Regulation with Children & Adolescents

Progressive Muscle Relaxation Worksheet Included


Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is a great technique to use with children struggling with self-regulation because it allows for personalization of the scripted passages we use to guide the exercise. Read more to download your FREE PMR Worksheet...


4 Easy Steps to Calm a Stressed Child

Barbara Neiman, OTR, Sheila Lewis

If you work with children who struggle with self-regulation, mind-body strategies that use yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and guided imagery can be especially effective, and often fun, for the child to gain their composure. Use this activity, called The Steps, at home, in the grocery store, or wherever life takes you.


Environmental Enrichment

A Multisensory Enrichment Protocol for Autism

Teresa Garland, MOT, OTR/L

Environmental Enrichment (EE) was designed as a low-cost program that has been shown to decrease autism symptoms and sensory issues and increase receptive language and cognitive skills at home. In this blog from Teresa Garland, MOT, OTR/L, you can download a free EE activity worksheet.


A Hidden Culprit of Poor Handwriting Posture

Kathy Johnson, MS Ed.

For most children, following proper writing posture is no problem. But what about Johnny, a bright child in your class who just can't follow your directions to sit up straight. Is it that Johnny just wants to look cool slouched in his chair, or is something bigger going on?


Lion Breathing

Melt stress and tension from your face

Jamie Marich, Ph.D.

For all the time we spend stretching our body, how often do we pause to stretch our face? With Lion Breathing you can quickly and easily relieve stress and tension by stretching your face.


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